Bloomberg: Global War for Gas Market Claims $40 Billion LNG Casualty

28 March 2016: “The world’s supply of LNG is set to surge over the next five years as projects already under construction in countries including Australia and the U.S. add to an emerging glut, according to analysts including Energy Aspects Ltd. and Poten & Partners. That’s pressuring prices already plunging because of the collapse in crude, which serves as a benchmark for some LNG contracts.” …”‘It’s going to be a really difficult period and some companies are not fully prepared for the changes that are coming to the market,’ Jason Feer, head of business intelligence at Poten & Partners in Houston, said Wednesday. ‘There has never been a period where the oversupply is going to be as big as it is going to be over the next few years. The question for some people won’t be, ‘How do I make money?’ It will be, ‘How do I manage my losses?’” “By 2021, at least 25 percent of global LNG production will be ‘homeless’ because of slack demand from Asia and Europe while supplies surge, which will pressure prices, he said.”
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