LNG in World Markets

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LNG in World Markets provides business intelligence and market insights to enable all participants in the LNG industry to navigate changes and uncertainty.

LNG in World Markets is mission-critical for anyone working in the LNG business, including:

  • Project Developers
  • End Users
  • Aggregators & traders
  • Equity Investors
  • Shipping Companies
  • Strategic planners
  • EPC firms and manufacturers
  • Financial institutions
  • Service providers to the LNG industry


Robust Data and Analysis of the Trends Driving LNG Markets


High-value deliverables for challenging times


LNG Markets & Trade

LNG in World Markets helps market participants manage rising price volatility, tightening supply and the restructuring of LNG markets.


From exclusive information on contract terms to detailed analysis of commercial trends, LNG in World Markets is the go-to source for insight on drivers affecting LNG deals.

Projects & Technology

Tapping some of the most skilled engineers and technical experts, LNG in World Markets delivers a unique perspective on the commercial and technical details across a wide array of global projects.


LNG in World Markets covers exclusive information on spot trading activity, tonnage plans for LNG exports, shipyard activity, fleet employment prospects and technology developments.


Try the most robust, trusted source of information across the LNG value chain

At Poten & Partners, we know LNG. Our global team of experts tap into our deep network of contacts and nearly four decades of proprietary data, analysis and information tracking LNG markets and industry developments.

LNG in World Markets delivers essential insights and unmatched commercial analysis on LNG projects, contracts, and markets and shipping only available from Poten.

Request a complimentary trial of LNG in World Markets and find out how this critical business intelligence service can help you drive commercial success.


Take a closer look at LNG in World Markets

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LNG in World Markets

Industry participants rely on Poten’s LNG in World Markets business intelligence service for the best information to drive business success. To activate your subscription or learn more, connect with us today: [email protected]

Get to Know Poten’s LNG Business Intelligence Services

Actionable short term market intelligence

  • Monthly country-level forecasts
  • Global arbitrage analysis
  • Detailed data on future trade flows

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Analysis of LNG finance across the value chain

  • Annual ranking of LNG lenders
  • Detailed analysis of project lending
  • Intelligence on project finance structure
  • Insight on lending to the shipping sector

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A 10-year price, supply and demand forecast

  • 10-year projections
  • Bottom-up demand forecasts
  • LNG imports and exports
  • Special focus on shipping

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Insight on LNG markets, projects and the industry

  • Commercial and technical details of global projects across the value chain
  • Detailed coverage of spot markets with data and analysis on market fundamentals, price levels and trade flows
  • Shipping activity and technology developments

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