LNG Contract Intelligence Service

Greater Insight. Stronger Negotiating Positions. Commercial Success.

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Poten’s LNG Contract Intelligence Service (LCIS) provides world-class pricing and other data on hundreds of LNG contracts, delivering a new level of transparency on the commercial positions of your potential off-takers, competitors, counterparties and market participants. Key features include:

  • Rich data with extensive details on transactions and pending deals covering hundreds of millions of tons of LNG contracts
  • Pricing information for around 300 active contracts, delivering unprecedented insight into the interests of potential customers, counterparties and competitors   
  • Regular updates on new and pending transactionsfor the most actionable information as it becomes available  
  • Quarterly analysis that includesforward-looking metrics comparing the competitiveness of different price levels, benchmarks and commercial structures  
  • Country-level and regional contract comparisonsto leverage market dynamics  
  • Unparalleled detail on contract terms including optionality, volume flexibility and other non-price elements contained in contracts
  • 40 standardized fields including price formulas, oil-linked slopes, hybrid structures, volume, tenor, buyers and sellers, supply sources and more   

Richer, In-Depth LNG Contract Data

LCIS by the Numbers

Information on over 950 MMt of active, expired and pending LNG contracts

590 MMt of active contracts (only SPAs)

Detailed pricing information of 445 MMt active LNG SPAs



Market intelligence to maximize gains and protect your commercial interests.

This unique tool gives you the data and insight you need to compare contracts over time, understand global transactions and analyze shifting pricing benchmarks and critical contract terms as you work to execute deals.

Tools to Gain a Commercial Advantage

Maximize long-term LNG gains

Unprecedented visibility on current pricing, counterparty portfolios, peer positioning and expiration profiles strengthen your hand in LNG marketing

Obtain the best value in LNG purchasing

Clarity on recent deals, insight on price levels and other contract terms gives you an edge with suppliers

Seize short-term opportunities

Extraordinary detail on expirations, pricing, and other terms empower you to identify and capture market opportunities

In-depth information for robust analysis

Thousands of data points and unique market intelligence enable in-depth due diligence, insightful strategic planning and objective measures of performance

Download the flyer and request more information about Poten’s LCIS

Providing a new level of transparency and unique commercial insight, Poten’s LNG Contract Intelligence Service delivers a competitive advantage. Fill out the form to download the flyer and request more information, or contact [email protected] for inquiries.

Learn how you can benefit from Poten’s LCIS at your organization

Get to Know Poten’s LNG Business Intelligence Services

Actionable short term market intelligence

  • Monthly country-level forecasts
  • Global arbitrage analysis
  • Detailed data on future trade flows

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Analysis of LNG finance across the value chain

  • Annual ranking of LNG lenders
  • Detailed analysis of project lending
  • Intelligence on project finance structure
  • Insight on lending to the shipping sector

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A 10-year price, supply and demand forecast

  • 10-year projections
  • Bottom-up demand forecasts
  • LNG imports and exports
  • Special focus on shipping

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Insight on LNG markets, projects and the industry

  • Commercial and technical details of global projects across the value chain
  • Detailed coverage of spot markets with data and analysis on market fundamentals, price levels and trade flows
  • Shipping activity and technology developments

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