Tanker Opinions

Poten & Partners tanker research and consulting group monitors and analyzes tanker market and energy developments around the world and advises companies on strategy development and implementation. Below you will find our team’s Weekly Tanker Opinions. To subscribe, click here.

Erik Broekhuizen

Jet Fuel Taking Off

Erik Broekhuizen
April 19th 2024: Jet Fuel demand is still recovering from the pandemic Global jet fuel demand was affected significantly during…
Erik Broekhuizen

Canada Opens The Floodgates

Erik Broekhuizen
22nd March 2024:Trans Mountain Expansion will change Pacific Aframax market The expansion of the Trans Mountain Pipeline (TMX) is almost…
Erik Broekhuizen

Fuel Oil’s Rollercoaster

Erik Broekhuizen
March 19th 2024:Global fuel oil trade is up, but long-term trend is down The March Oil Market Report from the…
Erik Broekhuizen

Does Size Still Matter?

Erik Broekhuizen
1st March 2024:What is the outlook for VLCC demand in the coming years? For many years, VLCCs have been regarded…
Erik Broekhuizen

Two Years And Counting…

Erik Broekhuizen
23rd Feb 2024:How the Russian invasion of Ukraine changed tanker markets Tomorrow, Saturday 24 February 2024, marks the second anniversary…
Erik Broekhuizen

A Sleeping Giant

Erik Broekhuizen
21 Feb 2024:Changes in Indonesia’s oil balances should benefit tankers On Wednesday February 14, Indonesia, Asia’s third most populous country…
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