From the industry’s early commercial activities, Poten & Partners has been the premier service provider for the global LNG and natural gas business. With the largest and most experienced team of LNG and natural gas advisors in the world, Poten is ideally suited to provide a wide range of services to participants in the natural gas industry. We provide advice across the entire value chain; from gas supply, pipelines and liquefaction plants to shipping, terminals, trading and gas marketing.
To learn more about our LNG & Natural Gas advisory services, visit our dedicated landing page here.
For technical, engineering and cost estimating expertise, visit our Merlin Advisors subsidiary at
Our team of consultants assists clients in LPG, NGL and related liquefied gas industries including basic petrochemicals. Supported by comprehensive research, consulting services include analysis of the interface between NGLs and petrochemicals production, recommendations on marketing and shipping strategies, and provide guidance on new investment opportunities.
Poten also has been instrumental in developing numerous large shipping projects. Assignments have included shipyard contracts for new construction and vessel conversions, sales and purchases of individual ships as well as entire fleets, transportation swaps, floating storage arrangements, and long-term charters for the transportation of crude oil, refined products, LNG and LPG.
Poten & Partners tanker research and consulting group monitors and analyzes tanker market and energy developments around the world and advises companies on strategy development and implementation.
Our firm assists companies in the development of marine transportation strategies, downstream project analysis and tanker market outlooks. Our team combines extensive industry experience with leading market intelligence to deliver in-depth studies and effective recommendations. With backgrounds in marine transportation planning, finance and economics, our consultants are uniquely positioned to develop short and long-term studies for clean product and crude tankers as well as specialized analyses on the regulatory changes impacting tanker owners, oil companies, traders and other industry participants.
In addition, our team is frequently called upon to prepare pricing analyses, global supply and demand projections, and tailored market analyses for leading energy companies and major world governments.
Our services include:
We are a leading publisher of pricing and supply/demand publications covering the asphalt market in the United States and Canada. Our publications are used extensively by refiners, marketers, materials companies, road construction companies, state departments of transportation, financial institutions and investment entities.
Poten & Partner’s also advises companies and countries seeking assistance in this highly specialized industry. Our consultants combine years of experience and analytic skills to provide our clients with a extensive understanding of asphalt markets. Our retainer services, publications and multi-client reports provide comprehensive asphalt market information, commercial intelligence, advice on pricing and marketing issues, assessments and forecasts of spot prices, and analyses of production and consumption statistics. We strive to maintain a high level of confidentiality with our clients.