Looks Familiar?

16 Mar 2018; The expression “history repeats itself” is very appropriate in the shipping markets. Seasonality and market cycles usually repeat themselves with a certain predictability.  Earlier this week, one of my colleagues pointed out that so far in 2018 VLCC rates are trending very similar to 2013.  Rates have been very disappointing this year with (seemingly) little improvement on the horizon.  We thought it would be interesting to look back five years and see where 2018 may be similar to 2013 and where it could be different.  After all, 2013 ended on a high note, with VLCC rates in November/December of that year averaging well over $50,000 per day, a far cry from the $13,000/day average for the other 10 months of the year.  Could this year have a similar happy ending?   Please fill out the form to read the article.
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